Church Stretton Camp and Fish
The site is set on 40 acres of fields and woods, 10 minutes’ drive from the popular and heathery hills of the Carding Mill Valley
Church Stretton,
Harton, Shropshire
This site has woods, a large field and a number of lakes. There are basic facilities including toilets and showers, and players will have a choice of camping locations for IC and OOC. This site does not have buildings for an indoor tavern/kitchen/accomodation. We will set up a ‘village’ for catering and traders, with a generator for power.
Travel: The nearest station is Church Stretton (4 mi). Google Maps will direct you to the main entrance for the site.
When can we arrive: On Thursday 11th July, players may arrive for OOC setup from 2pm.
Parking: Please go to the main site entrance initially, where you will be directed to one of the parking areas. If unloading at the temporary car park near the IC area, please move cars back to the main areas immediately afterwards (to allow space for others).
Where do I go on arrival: Please start by visiting the admin desk which will be at the site Reception. Park in the small area there to get guidance on where best to go next, depending on camping IC/OC. You may wish to park up in the small car park near reception to have a look round the site before choosing where to camp.
Where can I camp: Out of Character camping is near the top of the field, near site reception. In character faction camps will be within the woods or lakeside meadows. There will be various clearings for faction camps. There are no bunks at this site.
Fires: The site allows fires but in order to ensure only clean wood is used (avoiding nails, etc), they prefer people to use wood purchased on site (packs of wood with kindling are £7.50) – however for Herofest, you can bring you own clean wood as long as there are no nails etc. (to ensure nothing unwanted is left on the ground in camping pitches).
Lakes: Three of the lakes are fishery lakes so cannot be used, though the meadows around them can be. The site has one lake available for swimming, our actual use of it is tbc, please speak to refs at the event.
For all other questions, please contact us with any queries about the site.

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